I made chiptune... and pixel art some time, maybe you could call me a pixel addictor, I won't mind lol. I hope you enjoy all my track/song and art (not really "all" some of them suck)
note: all of my track are mostly made in Dn-FamiTracker and sometime FL

Jackie @8bitJackie

chiptune producer


Joined on 8/23/20

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629 / 710
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> 100,000
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5.03 votes
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> 100,000
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*Due to lacks of money to pay off debt, I've decided to open commission or else I ain't gonna survive this year.*

I will draw almost any stuff from sfw to nsfw but please note that I'll only draw in pixel as I lack the skill to do digital :skull:

I also can compose a chiptune track for a game or smth with a small price (maybe around 5 - 10 idk)

You guys can choose how much you guys want to pay me (at least the orignal prices please) but please also note that the harder the request, the higher the price, which I will listed below.

for art, I can go with either Icon, profile pic, your fursonal or personal blah blah, maybe animation sprites for game etc.

for chiptune, except dubstep and its sub genre, I think I can handle most of the rest.


Resolution (pixel):

you X choose - depend

8x8 - why

16x16 - just uhh, 1$ or I'll just give out for free....

32x32 - 2$

64x64 - 5$

125x125 - 25$

256x256 - what, why do you need an icon that big???

Colors used:

Monochrome (2c) - depend on how complex the request are, from +1 to +5$

Casual gameboy (4c) - +3$ because it's hard to mix but at least better than 2 colors

Optimal (8c) - +2$ since it's easier to breath

Extra detail (16c) - +1$ probably doesn't need that much colors but aight

What (32c+) - ok uhhh, I don't think I'm gonna charge more to this thing since you let me choose whatever I want

I have no ideas if I should charge the background or not.....


I totally have no ideas how to charge this thing maybe 1$ for 4 frames idk....

nsfw? HMMMmmmm, detail in PM


I'll let you set the prices.

no, I will not compose in FL, I'm suck at FL mixing

yes, you can have the .ftm files if you want

do not commissioned me to make dubstep with chiptune software :skull:

Accept payment via Paypal. My discord tag is 8BJackie#3180, I'll update the tag whenever I change it.

thanks for reading.


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Available for Work

Are you ooking for cheap pixelart stuffs?

*Due to lacks of money to pay off debt, I've decided to open commission or else I ain't gonna survive this year.*

I will draw almost any stuff from sfw to nsfw but please note that I'll only draw in pixel as I lack the skill to do digital :skull:

I also can compose a chiptune track for a game or smth with a small price (maybe around 5 - 10 idk)

You guys can choose how much you guys want to pay me (at least the original prices please) but please also note that the harder the request, the higher the price, which I will listed below.

for art, I can go with either Icon, profile pic, your fursonal or personal blah blah, maybe animation sprites for game etc.

for chiptune, except dubstep and its sub genre, I think I can handle most of the rest.


Resolution (pixel):

you X choose - depend

8x8 - why

16x16 - just uhh, 1$ or I'll just give out for free....

32x32 - 2$

64x64 - 5$

125x125 - 25$

256x256 - what, why do you need an icon that big???

Colors used:

Monochrome (2c) - depend on how complex the request are, from +1 to +5$

Casual gameboy (4c) - +3$ because it's hard to mix but at least better than 2 colors

Optimal (8c) - +2$ since it's easier to breath

Extra detail (16c) - +1$ probably doesn't need that much colors but aight

What (32c+) - ok uhhh, I don't think I'm gonna charge more to this thing since you let me choose whatever I want

I have no ideas if I should charge the background or not.....


I totally have no ideas how to charge this thing maybe 1$ for 4 frames idk....

nsfw? HMMMmmmm, detail in PM


I'll let you set the prices.

no, I will not compose in FL, I'm suck at FL mixing

yes, you can have the .ftm files if you want

do not commissioned me to make dubstep with chiptune software :skull:

Accept payment via PaypalMy discord tag is 8BJackie#3180, I'll update the tag whenever I change it.

thanks for reading.


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1,505 Points

LMEOW!!! 5 Points

Ya Got Pop'd Son. Unfortunate.

Catat Time! 5 Points

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Art-venture awaits! 5 Points

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Secret Medal ????? Points

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5 5 Points

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Beat a Bot 5 Points

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Secret Medal ????? Points

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Stylin' 5 Points

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Welcome to Madness Roulette! 5 Points

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